
Leveraging GIS Benefits for Cable Serviceability
Track: Telecommunications and Location-Based Services
Author(s): Glenn Goodrich, Matt Boyles

Time Warner Cable, the third-largest cable operator in the U.S., launched an initiative to help their Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) more accurately determine if a given customer is “serviceable.” The serviceability of a customer is determined by several aspects, both spatial and non-spatial. Before the initiative, TWC sent trucks to each potential customer to determine serviceability, at a substantial cost per trip. In many cases, the customer proved not to be serviceable resulting in lost funds and wasted resources. The paper will discuss how TWC used GIS with ArcGIS Server to create an effective algorithm that determines the serviceability of a specific address. The audience will learn what factors were considered and how the algorithm changed as TWC learned which factors were most important, as well as how to allow CSRs to take advantage of the algorithm and the GIS.

Glenn Goodrich
Enspiria Solutions, Inc.
6560 S Greenwood Plaza Blvd, Ste 500
Greenwood Village , Colorado 80111
United States
Phone: 704-968-6671
E-mail: ggoodrich@enspiria.com

Matt Boyles
Time Warner Cable
160 Inverness Drive West
Englewood , Colorado 80112
United States
Phone: 303-705-4565
E-mail: matt.boyles@twcable.com