AbstractGeospatial Data Management System for Civil Engineering Track: Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Author(s): Rachel Arulraj The engineering team of a major civil infrastructure project was tasked with the development of a geospatial data management system (GDMS) to manage the project’s location data for the 2.2 mile facility under design. The project team worked closely with city, state and county planners and engineers to incorporate the multi-agency, multi-format and multi-dimensional data sets into a comprehensive database with engineering level of accuracy. The GDMS provides engineers access to GIS layers, CAD drawings, aerial photography and geotechnical, environmental, real estate, right of way, transportation, utility and engineering data in a one-stop, secure web based interface. The data is maintained in a data warehouse in its original/proprietary format, but is visible, measurable and analyzable to project staff from various disciplines via an ArcGIS Server implementation. The computing protocols for the system are developed within the framework of the standards adopted by the project in conjunction with major stakeholders. Rachel Arulraj Parsons Brinckerhoff One Penn Plaza New York , New York 10119 United States Phone: 917-446-8449 E-mail: arulraj@pbworld.com |