
Priority Signaling for Bus Rapid Transit System
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Raghavendra Bhalerao, Ketaki Sharma

We propose a priority signaling topology. Bus should get priority to cross an intersection and accordingly traffic signals should be controlled, without least affecting other traffic.

The proposed model control the traffic signal using GPS and GIS interface .A GPS system shall locate a particular route/no bus approaching a traffic signal intersection by querying geodatabase. And using these queries the traffic signal can be controlled.

We have successfully digitized the Indore map using arial photograph using Esri’S ARCGIS and created Geodatabase.

Presently we are querying this Geodatabase to develop an algorithm to interface ARCGIS with GPS. This will locate a bus on real time basis on digitized map. After this the model will be developed to control the traffic signals based on the current location of a Bus. The detailed results shall be presented at the conference.

Raghavendra Bhalerao
School Of Electronics Devi Ahilya University Indore, INDIA
81 Type 3 B Sector
Piplani BHEL
BHOPAL , Madhaya Pradesh 462021
Phone: 91-9179141704
E-mail: er.ragh7508@gmail.com

Ketaki Sharma
DAVV Indore
325 Vigyan Nagar Indore
Indore , M P 452009
Phone: 91 0731 2321822
E-mail: ketakisharma23@gmail.com