
No Paper
MetaManagement, the New Challenge
Track: Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Affairs
Author(s): Rob Gray

In the 70’s the challenge was to dream what a GIS could be. The 80’s conflict was dreams versus RAM and through the 90’s some of those dreams matured. The new millennium began and the challenge was to incorporate spatial analysis into everybody else’s work processes. This required specialized managers to become the interface between spatially ignorant management and technical specialists who realized the potential, but could not always articulate the savings and benefits. Geospatial units developed semi-autonomously within organizations and acceptance gained momentum. To achieve the promised cost benefits, independent spatial units need a cohesive approach, as do the contributors to larger SDI’s. The previously isolated spatial managers must start working together to ensure their data and products are maximized. The spatial managers must be managed, metamanagement.

Rob Gray
United Nations
United Nations Cartographic Section
1 UN Plaza
New York , New York 10017
United States
Phone: +1 917 367 8035
E-mail: grayr@un.org