
No Paper
Introduction to USEPA’s MyEnvironment: A Public Access Tool
Track: Environmental Management
Author(s): Kim Balassiano

Window to My Environment had a good run for nearly 10 years and received awards for bringing disparate environmental information resources to the public in a meaningful way. MyEnvironment builds on that solid foundation and adds to the user experience by utilizing a Microsoft Virtual Earth © basemap as well as a first-time-ever federated USEPA search. Living on the USEPA main Web page, MyEnvironment is a refresh on the idea of allowing the public to retrieve environmental information on land, air, water, health that is pertinent to their specific geography. Join us for a demo of MyEnvironment and let’s talk about ways to extend the framework to promote access to environmental information beyond USEPA pages.

Kim Balassiano
1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Mailcode 2843T
Washington , District of Columbia 20460
United States
Phone: 202-566-0709
E-mail: balassiano.kim@epa.gov