
No Paper
GIS for Watershed Management—Experiences from Croatia and B&H
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Davorin Singer

GISDATA successfully implemented Water information system (WIS) in Croatia and now is in second phase of designing and implementation of WIS in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The solution's concept consists of a GIS web distributed system based on Esri ArcGIS, enabling management, serving, using and presentation of spatial and alphanumeric data.

The GIS Projects WIS in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina consist of several well-defined phases: Creating system architecture and modernization of existing IT and communication infrastructure, design and establishment of an integrated spatial database, initial production of topographic data, creation of Web applications for alphanumerical data entry, creation of ArcGIS tools and applications for spatial data maintenance, creation of standard Web-GIS services for data sharing with various user groups, creation of a Web-GIS viewers, courses on use and administration of Esri ArcGIS software and workshops on use of applications.

Davorin Singer
Gisdata, Zagreb
Zagreb , Croatia 10000
Croatia, Rep. of
Phone: +385 1 3696 156
Fax: +385 1 3667 915
E-mail: davorin.singer@gisdata.com