
GeoSUR, Building the SDI Foundations in South America
Track: Spatial Data Infrastructure
Authors: Eric van Praag

GeoSUR is a regional program to implement an effective and interoperable mechanism for generating, accessing, disseminating, and exploiting geospatial data in South America. The Program emphasizes consistent standards, capacity building, and has developed the first regional geographic portal (www.geosur.info). This provides a topographic service to dynamically generate SRTM level-2 derivatives for South America and derivative data sets of the sub-continent (source: SRTM level-2). The Program also promotes the implementation of a network of map services with the support of more than twenty geographic institutes and ministries of environment.

Funding and oversight for this initiative are provided by the Andean Development Bank (CAF), counterpart support and coordination are provided by the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH), and technical assistance is provided by the U.S. Geological Survey Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science (USGS/EROS) and several geographic institutes of South America.

Eric van Praag
Andean Development Bank
Torre CAF. Avl Luis Roche. Altamira
Caracas, Miranda 1050
Phone: 58-212-2096554
E-mail: evanpraag@caf.com