
Introduction to the Hydrography Event Management (HEM) Tools
Track: Water Resources
Authors: Ariel Bates

The Hydrography Event Management Tools are a set of shared components to allow for creation, management, and refresh of scientific data that is referenced to the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). The HEM tools were developed by the USFS and the BLM to help link biologic/water use data to the NHD. These agencies along with the USGS and U.S. EPA are now involved in ongoing collaboration to further develop and support the HEM tools and HEM user community. Topics to be covered include an overview of the current version of the tools, such as creating, updating copying and deleting events, importing features, measuring linear distance, metadata and more. Also included will be real world examples of how this tool is being used and why events are important. The presentation will end with a discussion on resources available to receive training for the HEM tools and future enhancements.

Ariel Bates
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046
Denver Federal Center, MS 510
Denver, Colorado 80225-0046
United States
Phone: 303-202-4535
E-mail: atbates@usgs.gov