
Top 10 Smart Concepts and Possibilities for ArcGIS and Web Mapping
Track: Cartography and Map Production
Authors: Jan Clement

Top10Smart is a raster dataset with resolution of 2.5 m. It is derived from the 1:10.000 topographical map Top10NL of the Netherlands. The Top10Smart raster is designed to provide improved performance. It can be used as visualization raster in ArcMap and as background in websites.
The power of Top10Smart is not only the improved performance. Another feature of Top10smart is the aggregation levels that enable adjustment of classes for scale levels. For instance small roads are invisible at 1:50.000 because the adjacent land use is 'small roads'. This is also the case for big roads and water bodies. At scale 1:250.000 there are 5 major land use classes and at scale 1:10.000 more than 50 classes. With a set of layerfiles a custom look and feel can be made for only one raster! Top10Smart is in the Netherlands very popular for web mapping and visualization in ArcGis.

Jan Clement
Wageningen University
Centre for Geo-Information
P.O. box 47
Wageningen, Gelderland 6700AA
Phone: +31317481676
E-mail: jan.clement@wur.nl