
GIS Decision Support Tools for Marine Conservation in New Zealand.
Track: Environmental Management
Authors: Barbara Bollard-Breen, Dan Breen

GIS and decision support tools have the potential to assist with marine conservation planning in New Zealand. One such tool is Marxan which is a free conservation planning software package that provides decision support to a range of conservation planning problems. Marxan works with ArcGIS software to allow users to visualise various decision scenarios. Marxan with Zones is an extension of Marxan that allows users to allocate land and/or sea parcels to multiple zones each with their own targets, planning unit costs and biodiversity benefits. Users can now create zoning plans that meet a variety of conservation and human-use objectives while minimizing total cost of implementation. The new functionality provides the flexibility to address a range of complex spatial planning problems. Current case studies examines problems related to ecosystem based management of the Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand.

Barbara Bollard-Breen
Auckland University of Technology
Private Bag 92006
Auckland, na 1142
New Zealand
Phone: 6499219999
Fax: 64 99219743
E-mail: bbreen@aut.ac.nz

Dan Breen
Department of Conservation
Private Bag 68908
Auckland 1145
New Zealand
Phone: +6493074840
E-mail: dbreen@doc.govt.nz