
Dynamic Visualizations for Analysis of Desert Tortoise Habitat
Track: Parks and Natural Reserves
Authors: David Turnbull

Joshua Tree National Park (JOTR) has been monitoring their desert tortoise population's telemetry since 2005 using transmitters attached to 18 tortoises. JOTR has a need to visualize the telemetry data in relation to other environmental datasets in order to see what factors may be affecting the telemetry of the tortoises. JOTR also had a need to look at the telemetry data in relation to roads in order to see if curbing has been effective. This project brings the various datasets together in ArcMapT, and enables dynamic visualizations of the data in ArcMap utilizing Tracking Analyst, ArcGIS ExplorerT utilizing Time Navigator Beta 1.0, and Google Earth® by utilizing the various datasets' time attribute. Additional tools are also provided within ArcMap to enable further analysis of the data. The provided tools and visualizations aim to provide JOTR with a means to help with the survivability of their tortoise population.

David Turnbull
University of Redlands
528 Hibiscus Drive
Apt. D102
Redlands, California 92373
United States
Phone: 301-639-4543
E-mail: david_turnbull@spatial.redlands.edu