
GIS and NG 9-1-1 in Texas!
Track: Emergency Medical Services/Fire
Authors: Sergio Castro

A basic concept of what role GIS will play in the Next Generation 9-1-1 schema in Texas. What shapefiles will do for us? and How implementation of current technologies will help us provide a better 9-1-1 service to our residents. GIS will help us migrate from separate databases and intergrate them all under a graphic and data structure. GIS will also enable us to route 9-1-1 calls more efficiently and promtly to the correct Public Safety Answering Points. Next Generation 9-1-1 will also enable us to create a massive data repository that will benefits us incase of any natural disaster in our region. Wiht the use and help of GIS, we will be able to rejuvinate a forty year all legacy system so that it can incorporate new telecomunication technologies that exist in our modern days.

Sergio Castro
Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Council
311 N 15th St
McAllen, Texas 78501
United States
Phone: 956-682-3481
E-mail: scastro@lrgvdc911.org