
Geo-Referenced Construction Information Management, Geo-Database Design and Implementation
Track: Database Design, Automation, and Management
Authors: Ahmad Salah, Kurt Miller

With dusty paper system and lots of typos, time is double-wasted in manual field data collection and office data entry. This presentation focuses on the design and implementation of a geo-database for construction management. The goal of this effort is to develop the so called "Geo-referenced Construction Information Management (GCIM)". The presentation highlights a step-by-step process for the development of GCIM including system architectural design, selection of hardware and software bundles, geo-database design, field data collection using ArcPad and handheld GPS receivers, real-time synchronization to an ArcGIS Server-based application and finally providing a web-based information portal for viewing, editing and management of information. GCIM provides an efficient and time saving application for construction management. For this initial phase of the project, we used ArcGIS Server, Standard - Workgroup with a vision to upgrade to Enterprise and Advanced for more geo-processing and upscale database capabilities in future project phases.

Ahmad Salah
Stanley Consultants
383 W Vine Street, Suite 400
Salt Lake City, Utah 84123
United States
Phone: 801-293-8880
E-mail: salahahmad@stanleygroup.com

Kurt Miller
Stanley Consultants
383 W Vine Street, Suite 400
Salt Lake City, Utah 84123
United States
Phone: 801-293-8880
E-mail: millerkurt@stanleygroup.com