
National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2.0
Track: Water Resources
Authors: Cindy McKay

NHDPlus Version 1.0, the first national, spatial database to link the mapped streams to the landscape, was released in September 2006. NHDPlus was designed especially to enable water resource managers and scientists to operate on a watershed basis and to understand the interaction of activities on both land and water. Since its release, hundreds of water resources projects have built powerful applications upon the framework provided by NHDPlus. Fate and transport models, water quality analyses, habitat studies, homeland security tools and more have reaped the benefits of NHDPlus capabilities. The US EPA
and the USGS are poised to deliver the next generation of NHDPlus.
Tools are being built, data is being improved and resources are being assembled in order to produce NHDPlus Version 2.0. This presentation will describe NHDPlus Version 2.0 in terms of data structure, data content and capabilities.

Cindy McKay
Horizon Systems Corporation
482 Montalto Drive
Suite 100
Herndon, Virginia 20170
United States
Phone: 703-471-0480
E-mail: ldm@horizon-systems.com