
Thinking Outside the Blocks—Exploring Alternatives to Traditional Neighborhood Design
Track: State and Local Government
Authors: Daniel Bally

Evaluating neighborhood design concepts with respect to economics, safety, and travel efficiency is critical when determining the livability of an area. This paper aims to illustrate the analytical and visualization benefits of GIS for developing, analyzing, and visualizing neighborhood design and planning concepts by comparing alternative hexagonal designs to traditional curvilinear, loop and cul-de-sac designs. The adaptations maintain parcel count, existing natural and development boundaries, and conform to modern subdivision regulations. The results exemplify increases in safety and travel efficiency, demonstrate reductions in development costs, and encourage the use of hexagonal planning as a valid alternative to traditional design considerations. The discussion will explain the project's design, the geoprocessing and visualization methods used, and the implications of the results on the planning process.

Daniel Bally
City of Houston
611 Walker St.
6th Floor
Houston, Texas 77002
United States
Phone: 7138377787
E-mail: daniel.bally@cityofhouston.net