
Introducing online fieldmapping in a traditional paperbased workflow
Track: Database Design, Automation, and Management
Authors: Helge Smebye

Every year employees at Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) spend several hundred hours collecting field data for natural hazard and environmental risk assessments. Traditionally this has been a paper based GPS aided methodology. With the newly introduced ArcGIS Job Tracking aided workflow, field data is collected in ArcPad and transferred online to the Enterprise database. The key to success in implementing the new workflow has been well-defined data models, tight follow-up of the users and a well-defined and efficient dataflow. The presentation will focus on the challenges, and the path to the fully implemented system.

Helge Smebye
POBox 3920 Ullevål Stadion
Oslo, Oslo 0540
Phone: +47 22023143
E-mail: hcs@ngi.no