
Integrating Regional Geoportals within a Web CMS Framework
Track: Spatial Data Infrastructure
Authors: John Gitau, Carlos Grant

SERVIR is an international collaboration sponsored by NASA and USAID to provide solutions for environmental monitoring and decision support in developing regions around the world, using satellite remote sensing and other geospatial data. SERVIR acquires and integrates data sets from a variety of heterogeneous sources, performs or facilitates their analysis, and provides decision-makers with a user-friendly, synthesized view of their region to help them deal with important issues affecting their people and the environment. One of the key challenges is helping the target user communities effectively find and make use of a growing volume and variety of data, information, and services. This paper highlights the efforts of developers at the SERVIR Regional Nodes in East Africa and Mesoamerica to leverage the customization capabilities of the ArcGIS Geoportal Extension (version 9.3.1) to achieve "one-stop" consolidation of spatial data resources with web content managed by a .NET Web CMS framework (DotNetNuke).

John Gitau
Nairobi, Nairobi 00200
Phone: 254722945556
E-mail: gkahiu@yahoo.com

Carlos Grant
Building 111, City of Knowledge - Clayton
Panama 0843-03102
Phone: (507) 317-3200
E-mail: cathalac@cathalac.org