
A Workflow for Natural Hazard Zoning
Track: Disaster Management and Emergency Response
Authors: Egil Syre

Consultants in the natural hazard group at NGI work with hazards related to e.g. avalanches, rockfalls and debris flows. A new workflow for evaluation of these hazards and for carrying out hazard zoning is now in use. The solution is based on ArcGIS Desktop and Job Tracking Extension, and includes a variety of tools and routines used in analysis and mapping of hazardous areas. As a result, the consultants are now capable of performing the necessary hazard assessments and producing hazard maps using standardized procedures within ArcGIS. We will present how we implemented this workflow, and how this has led to higher efficiency and improved quality of the assessments

Egil Syre
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
NGI, Postboks 3930 Ullevål Stadion,
Oslo, Oslo 0806
Phone: +47 922 62 643
E-mail: egil.syre@ngi.no