
GIS as a Common Goal: Relationship-Building through Utility Projects
Track: Benefits of GIS
Authors: Seth Johnstone, Michael Flinn

Large municipal utility projects present a myriad of challenges to the various stakeholders involved. However, they also provide a valuable opportunity for relationship-building within the organization, with external government agencies and with the vendors contracted to execute the project. The City of Atlanta Bureau of Drinking Water (BDW) seized this opportunity for the undertaking of their Valve and Hydrant Asset Assessment, Test and Survey Service project.

Using web-based collaborative tools to supplement traditional face-to-face meetings, the BDW cultivated and grew relationships with organizations such as the Department of Fire and Rescue, Georgia Department of Transportation, Fulton County, Department of Public Works, and the Bureau of Wastewater Treatment and Collection. By focusing on relationship-building, the BDW has also created a common purpose for all stakeholders: the creation and maintenance of a GIS showing up-to-date information for each valve and hydrant within the City of Atlanta water system.

Seth Johnstone
Wachs Water Services
2750 Peyton Rd NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30318
United States
Phone: 7702412543
E-mail: sjohnstone@wachsws.com

Michael Flinn
City of Atlanta Bureau of Drinking Water
651 14th St NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30318
United States
Phone: 404-235-2094
E-mail: michael.flinn@atlwater.com