
Developing GIS in Small Communities for Wildfire Protection Plans
Track: Emergency Medical Services/Fire
Authors: Melanie Meyers, Gary Christopherson, Glen Buettner

Throughout the United States, many communities in wildland urban interface (WUI) areas are developing Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP). WUI communities that develop CWPP's are eligible for increased federal funding and assistance for fuel reduction and wildfire management projects. CWPP's must include a database of community assets and risks. Given the spatial nature of these data, a GIS often provides the best database; but because many of these communities are small, access to GIS software, expertise, and infrastructure is a serious challenge. The residents of the mountain community of Summerhaven, Arizona, in cooperation with Pima County, Arizona State Forestry, the USFS, the University of Arizona, local environmental groups, and others developed the Mt. Lemmon GIS as part of their CWPP. Based on their experience, this presentation introduces a methodology for developing a GIS in a small community with limited resources.

Melanie Meyers
University of Arizona
School of Geography and Development
P.O. Box 210076
Tucson, Arizona 85721
United States
Phone: 520-250-3002
E-mail: melanie.meyers@gmail.com

Gary Christopherson
University of Arizona
School of Geography and Development
P.O. Box 210076
Tucson, Arizona 85721
United States
Phone: (520) 621-6267
E-mail: garych@casa.arizona.edu

Glen Buettner
Arizona State Forestry Division
1110 W. Washington St., Suite 100
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
United States
Phone: 602-771-1410
E-mail: glenbuettner@azstatefire.org