
Reducing Child Mortality in Panama—A GIS Approach
Track: Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Affairs
Authors: Sarah Cofer, Thomas Ray

Youth and adults from the US and Panama are partnering with volunteers from GISCorps and Rotary International to address the issue of mortality among the children of Panama. Utilizing GIS and a survey instrument designed to gather data on health and hunger, clean water and literacy and education, over 200 interviews have already been collected. Data collection has begun with two of the seven indigenous people groups - the Ngoble Bugle and the Kunas. Already more than 100 Kuna youth have been connected with resources to address basic medical and dental needs. Rotarians are collecting milk for some of the many abandoned Ngobe Bugle infants. University nutritionist students have been trained to collect geospatial data and interview youth. Ngoble Bugle high school youth are gaining GIS skills. You won't want to miss this highly interactive session. You may even find yourself in Panama.

Sarah Cofer
4-H EquipoGIS
1304 NE Hollinshead Dr.
Bend, Oregon 97701
United States
Phone: 541-771-1411
E-mail: sarah.cofer@oregonstate.edu

Thomas Ray
4-H Interact/Rotary International
4001 Carya Drive
Suite E
Raleigh, North Carolina 27610
United States
Phone: 9196232199
E-mail: thomas.boyd.ray@gmail.com