
GIS Database Lifecycle Management at GEOFidelis West
Track: Database Design, Automation, and Management
Authors: Wendell Hoskins, Joe Simons

Under the Marine Corps GIS Program (GEOFidelis), the Western Regional Geospatial Data Center (GEOFIWEST) hosts and manages enterprise geodatabases for nine Marine Corps Installations in the western United States. At GEOFIWEST, a series of database management strategies are followed in order to create a high-availability environment to best serve the Marine Corps user needs. These policies incorporate planning and management strategies for the USMC data including database structure, migration, modeling, user access, performance, maintenance scripting, versioning organization, and disaster and recovery models. This presentation will primarily focus on best practices and lessons learned during recent data and systems migrations.

Wendell Hoskins
Building 1160, Room 13A
Camp Pendleton, California 92055
United States
Phone: 760-763-5050
E-mail: whoskins@taic.net

Joe Simons
Building 1160, Room LL09
Camp Pendleton, California 92055
United States
Phone: 951-847-4972
E-mail: joseph.simons.ctr@usmc.mil