
Geometric Network Issues on a Complex Water Delivery System
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Storm Water
Authors: J Russ Coffey

Implementing a fully-functional Geometric Network on a large and complex water distribution system requires a high level of data integrity. The Las Vegas Valley Water District first implemented a geometric network in 2004, primarily for the advantage of maintaining feature connectivity during editing processes. To take the next step of implementing higher-level utility network functionality, such as valve isolation tracing and upstream/downstream tracing, several large-scale data integrity projects were initiated. For example, our system is actually thirty interconnected gravity-fed networks (pressure zones), and pipelines have to be coded accurately and connected properly in order for the geometric network to return the correct results. Additionally, logical complications arise with representing large facilities - a reservoir is typically multiple sources and sinks. Determining the best way to model this behavior can be challenging. This paper will discuss the issues faced, the potential solutions considered, the paths chosen, and the results.

J Russ Coffey
Las Vegas Valley Water District
MailStop 690
1001 S Valley View Blvd
Las Vegas, Nevada 89153
United States
Phone: 702-259-8199
Fax: 702-258-7131
E-mail: russ.coffey@lvvwd.com