
GIS Management Solution for Right-of-Way Properties Acquisition
Track: Petroleum
Authors: Sidney dos Santos, Wilson de Oliveira

One of the most important phases of a pipeline project involves the right-of-way - ROW definition and necessary acquisition of permits and land properties. This is a key aspect with significant impact on the pipeline project feasibility. The process starts with the best selected route taking into consideration biotic, human and geophysical aspects, geographical location of potential market opportunities inside the influence area of the pipeline ROW and, finally, the negotiation process to acquire the right to install the pipeline that goes trough many different types of properties and other types of land occupation. The negotiation process for land properties acquisition and permits, which are issued by environmental agencies, are time consuming and demand the participation of specialized professionals such as engineers, geologists, geophysicists, sociologists, technicians, lawyers and others. To optimize the process a GIS based web application has being idealized and implemented to support all related activities...

Sidney dos Santos
Av. Almirante Barroso
81 - 12th floor
Rio de Janeiro 20031-004
Phone: +55 21 32297844
E-mail: sidney.ps@petrobras.com.br

Wilson de Oliveira
Av. Almirante Barroso
81 - 12th floor,
Rio de Janeiro 20031-004
Phone: +55 21 32297844
E-mail: wilsonjo@petrobras.com.br