
Model for a More Transparent Government
Track: State and Local Government
Authors: Craig Jennings

This presentation will propose a new model for collecting and disseminating fiscal information beyond the requirements of the Recovery Act to create a more transparent and accountable government. There will also be a discussion (and demonstration) of a new project to overlay federal spending information with needs and performance data, with a special focus on equity issues. The tools created under this new project can help policymakers improve decision-making about allocation of federal funds. They can also empower the public to hold its government more accountable and create new ways to assess performance. This presentation will also include a discussion about data quality and gaps in collection of information based on lessons learned from the implementation of the Recovery Act's transparency provisions.

Craig Jennings
OMB Watch
Washington, District of Columbia 20009
United States
Phone: (202) 234-8494
E-mail: cjennings@ombwatch.org