GIS As a Tool for Groundwater Basin Analysis
Track: Water Resources
Authors: Ashish Daw
A Hydrogeologic Reference Report was developed to provide an understanding of groundwater conditions in the Upper Litani River Basin in Lebanon and to set the framework for numerical groundwater modeling for groundwater management purposes. The Upper Litani Basin is characterized by the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon.
ArcGIS was used to integrate and analyze data from published geological maps, precipitation maps, DEM's, GPS field surveys, and publications. GPS data of well and spring locations were overlayed on digitized geology data (from georeferenced maps) and DEM data. Water elevation data derived from spatial joining of the GPS and DEM data were then interpolated to prepare potentiometric surface maps for the principal aquifers in the Upper Litani Basin.
Spatial joins between precipitation and geology datasets were used to calculate aquifer recharge amounts for the principal aquifer units in the Valley. Potentiometric surface maps identified groundwater flow patterns and areas of over pumping.