Mobile Property Data Editing with iPad Application
Track: State and Local Government
Authors: Chris Jansen, John Wilson, Donald Saxby
King County Department of Assessments has pioneered the development of an iPad application for real estate appraisers that seamlessly extracts data from an ArcGIS land record geodatabase and MS SQL Server mass appraisal system, provides a complete editing platform and meters updated information return based on available bandwidth over a secure 3G or 4G LTE network. This integrated systems application provides all the functionality that used to require multiple pieces of equipment in a single tool and improves productivity by uploading edits as they occur rather than needing to connect to an office network. The iPad features GPS and property tax identifier tagging of all photos, sketching of building floor plans, and voice notes converted to text. Integration of permit system data from more than 25 jurisdictions is available to help plan site visit routing and insure that new construction is recorded in a timely manner.