Implementation GIS supporting facility management and administration at Garland ISD.
Track: Education and Training
Authors: James Walker
For the past few years Garland ISD has been exploring the potential of GIS as a tool for the facility management department. One of our major projects has been the standardization of CAD drawings and a workflow for converting CAD floor plans to feature classes so that changes can be made in CAD and quickly updated to GIS.
Other GIS projects include
The creation of a parcel level geocoding service to precisely locate student addresses which is critical for determining things such as bus eligibility.
Creating transportation zone maps for internal use and publication on the GISD web site.
Mapping of sprinkler system, irrigation zones , mowing zones, and a tree inventory.
Creation of internally used web applications built using Adobe Flex, these are currently used by members of the administration, transportation, and student services departments. Plans are underway to expand the internal user list.