Inter-Agency Project Mapping: Leveraging Transportation Funds with Interactive Web Maps
Track: Transportation
Authors: Richard Pascoe
The Florida Department of Transportation District Seven, headquartered in Tampa, FL, is responsible for transportation project coordination throughout the five-county Tampa Bay area. Identifying concurrent, overlapping projects between agencies is challenging, but may provide opportunities for fund leveraging in the future. For instance, a transit agency implementing bus stop improvements along a corridor could leverage significant cost savings by coordinating with a county or state resurfacing project. To that end, District Seven is laying the foundation to identify these opportunities. This paper will highlight the District's efforts to collect project data and share the information through the FDOT Statewide GIS Framework - an interactive web mapping application built on ArcGIS for Server, ArcSDE, and the ArcGIS for Silverlight API. Using this application and collected data, the District can identify inter-agency fund leveraging opportunities and share it with municipalities, counties, MPOs, and public transportation agencies throughout the region.