Expanding Beyond the Wall of City Hall
Track: Public Works
Authors: Scott Roberts, Dawn Mulholland
With budgetary struggles and demands to lower taxes towns and cities need to use technology to streamline workflows and improve citizen engagement. GIS and mobile technology provides the perfect platform. We will demonstrate our citizen service request iOS application built using Esri iOS api. This app is configurable to handle public works service request and in a moments notice switch over to handle emergency operations request such as down trees, electrical lines and road closures. Field crews and first responders can keep EOC commanders informed from the field as commanders monitor and plan using our internal dashboards built on ArcGIS Server. We are using ArcGIS Online to push information from our internal web services to our citizens to keep them informed on their service request, emergency operations or traditional activities such as fall leaf collection or snow plowing activities. We are expanding its use thru regional cooperation with other towns.