Customized (iPhone/iPad) Mobile App for Law Enforcement
Track: Tribal/Indigenous GIS Programs
Authors: Cassandra Gore
Tribal jurisdiction is a major issue for tribal police departments. The Department of GeoSpatial Information (GSI) has simplified jurisdictional and boundary issues by creating a custom Lighthorse Police web application. The web application not only provides officers with tribal boundaries and jurisdictions, they are also able to view tribally owned/allotted lands, facilities with pictures and floor plans, area emergency management services, and high resolution imagery.
This presentation will demonstrate how GSI leverages Arcgis for iOS to give the Lighthorse Police officers the same capabilities of the custom web application in a real-time app for the iPhone/iPad. The mobile application provides officers with jurisdictional information when it is most needed, in the field. In addition, the mobile app gives officers the ability to collect incident information at the scene and have it saved to a private 'in-house' server to be used for future crime analysis.