Leveraging ArcGIS to Modernize Fire Department Run Maps
Track: Fire, Rescue, and EMS
Authors: Eric Benson
The Solomons Volunteer Fire Department (SVFD) recognized a need to replace their existing in-truck run maps with a modern, GIS-derived map product. The previous maps had been individually crafted in Microsoft Visio, without utilizing geographic base layers or a consistent tiling system. SVFD contacted The Department of Technology Services Enterprise GIS (TSEGIS) for assistance. TSEGIS developed a new state-of-the-art map book leveraging both ESRI data-driven pages and the county's existing data holdings. The project also included an editable web map built on ESRI ArcGIS Viewer for Flex that allows SVFD volunteers to manage many of the annotations and data elements on their new map series. This successful implementation has provided the SVFD with superior maps, streamlining of map update processes, and an enhanced ability to capture and preserve their institutional knowledge on their maps.