Building Cache Tiles with ArcGIS Server 10.1-Real World Examples
Track: Web and Server
Authors: Art Ullman
Cache Tile Services can be used to deliver extremely high performance / highly scalable geospatial web services to enhance overall user experience. ArcGIS Server 10.1 has many new features and options for building/deploying Cache Tile Services for both imagery and vector datasets. This presentation is based on real world experience generating cache tile services using ArcGIS Server 10.1 for very large imagery datasets and complex vector layers. The presentation will cover configuration, work flow, tips/tricks, different product options and hardware used for generating tiles. The presentation will be based on lessons learned while generating over 10TB of cache tiles for multi-spectral 1m and 30cm imagery, elevation derivatives, complex vector layers such as roads, hydrography and simple vector layers such as state and county boundaries.