Induced AC Corrosion by High Voltage Power Lines
Track: Pipeline and Gas Utilities
Authors: Jerry Ring
This project is the culmination of studies, research, analysis, maps, and statistics produced by Jerry Ring and is representative of work under Williams, and its GIS and Pipeline Integrity department. As required by Williams' Operations & Maintenance Manual; this procedure identifies a unique natural phenomenon of probable corrosion occurring within the pipeline industry, where the combination of steel pipe and specific external coatings intersect high voltage power lines. The criteria's involve: a buffer of 500ft from center of pipeline, encompassing coatings of Fusion Bonded Epoxy or Pritec, and high voltage power lines equal and greater than 60 kilovolts. The analysis proved challenging with 10,755 pipeline miles; causing adjustments on how the analysis is conducted. Challenges involved projection accuracies, buffer sources, a proven workflow, organizing results utilizing ESRI's Dynamic Pages (ie. Map Books), producing and organizing statistics, map design decisions, and producing the project as a book for two audiences.