Volumetric Decrease in Baltoro, Biafo and Batura Glaciers of Pakistan
Track: Climate Change
Authors: naseem gillani
The glaciers of the Hindukush-Karakoram-Himalayan region consist of a huge amount of perpetual snow and ice. These glaciers are retreating in the face of accelerating global warming. Northern areas of Pakistan contain total glaciated area of 15,040 km2. Estimation of volumetric decrease of Batura, Baltoro and Biafo Glaciers is carried out in this research using Remote sensing satellite and topographic data.
The results computed through research are there after compared with mathematical model of ice reserves and ice thickness which supplements their validity. Finally the correlation of volumetric decrease of these glaciers with average temperature rise of northern areas and sea level rise along coastline of Pakistan during the last decade is carried out.
The percentage volumetric decrease of Baltoro, Biafo and Batura glaciers, indicates that three out of world's seven largest glaciers have experienced a volume loss of 6.14%, 3.79% and 11.09% respectively during the decade of 1990-2000.