Regional Trail Gap Analysis - The Denver Metro Greenspace Study
Track: Urban and Regional Planning
Authors: Tom Dudley, Brenda Faber, Breece Robertson
The Denver Metro Greenspace Study examined conservation priorities for enhancing regional trail connectivity, increasing children's access to green spaces, and protecting riparian habitats across the 8-county Denver Metropolitan region of Colorado. The project was sponsored by The Trust for Public Land, Great Outdoors Colorado, and the Doris Duke Foundation.
This presentation will highlight the large scale regional trail gap analysis developed for this project, including the use of trail density analysis, demographic needs assessment, destination consideration, and trail opportunity evaluation. ESRI's ModelBuilder was used to implement the analysis. In addition, an interactive web mapping site will be demonstrated that allows project partners to interact directly with the study results and data. Partners can use the online mapping site to query for properties that have high trail opportunity value based on the analysis considerations described above.