GIS Analysis USFS Region 5 Fire & Aviation Management 2013
Track: Wildland Fire Management
Authors: Lorri Peltz-Lewis
The Fire and Aviation Management GIS Lab has been involved in many projects over the past year. This is an update on what the lab has been doing. First off the lab provides direct support to incidents including fire and all hazards. This includes direct support to GIS staff on incidents including preparing and delivering data, training, planning, data management, coordination, etc. The lab is also responsible for developing region-wide geospatial databases to support fire retardant avoidance, protection areas, fire history, fire ignitions, base stations, resources, etc. Projects included many studies and analysis of Direct Protection Areas (DPA) in California, resource availability and initial attack vs. prolonged attack, as well as finalization of the Interagency Dispatch Optimization Pilot Project (IDOPP) effort. This presentation will provide an overview of what the lab is doing and the current status of many ongoing projects and support efforts.