Maximizing Smart Grid Return though GIS Accuracy
Track: Electric Utilities
Authors: Brian Lindsay, Shrikant Mate, Wayne Atkinson
Throughout history, electric utility companies have struggled to keep their distribution mapping environment in sync with what is actually in the field. But if you think it was rough before, hang onto your hard hats. Smart Grids get exceedingly dumb when built upon assets that are either inaccurate, missing altogether, or a block away from where they're "supposed" to be.
This Presentation will illustrate the successful processes used by Alabama Power for the reconciliation of their ArcGIS distribution network and the establishment of a single source of accurate data.
Alabama Power's project included a complete field inventory and the reconciliation and live update of the distribution assets in their ArcGIS distribution model. The program also included simultaneous updates to the ArcGIS data to improve the locational accuracy of the assets. How the program was implemented and the effective management processes which lead to its successful completion will be presented.