Addressing Error in Geomorphic Change Detection of Multi-Beam SONAR Surveys
Track: Imagery
Authors: James Hensleigh
The emergence of multibeam sonar surveying (MBB) has expanded the extent of GIS studies to include rugged, deep riverine environments that historically have not been possible to survey. The high point densities of MBB coupled with its ability to survey new river environments make it attractive for use in GIS studies. To properly use this surveying technique in rivers more research is necessary to quantify its error and grasp its uncertainty. To address this need this presentation presents research on how error and uncertainty are present, can be introduced, can be limited and how to report and account for error and uncertainty in a project using MBB data.
Recognizing that too often GIS users do not realize and account for error and uncertainty within their studies, a geomorphic change detection case study is used as an example to provide a context for accounting for error in GIS projects in general.