22,500 Traffic Signs. 550 Miles. 5 Months. 1 System.
Track: Transportation
Authors: Gwen Ford
Tasked with how to comply with new FHWA traffic sign retroreflectivity requirements, the City of High Point Transportation Department needed an inventory of the existing traffic signs to determine how many signs needed to be replaced and the cost of replacement. The City GIS Department built an internet-based, collection application with ArcGIS API for Flex to locate traffic signs using ¼' aerials and attribute them with sign type, size, reflectivity, installation date, support type, and MUTCD codes. Collection was scheduled for 3 days a weeks, 8 hours a day. Using laptops with aircards, 2-3 crews collected data each day. With the inventory complete, the Transportation Department identified 355 Stop and 187 Yield signs that will need to be replaced at an estimated cost of $ 38,000. Also, maps can now identify the locations of these signs, so that the crews are not driving around at night looking for deteriorated signs.