Coupling Models using OpenMI, ODM and ArcGIS for Aquifer Management
Track: Environmental Management
Authors: Eric Bernard
The High Plains-Ogallala Aquifer is a critical water resource spanning 186,000 square miles under the "Breadbasket of the World." Current pumping rates and practices are over-mining the resource in many locations jeopardizing both food and water security. A coupled model approach linking groundwater, crop, economic, demographic and landuse models using OpenMI (Open Model Interface), ArcGIS and the ODM (Open Data Model) enables simulation of the complex dynamic systems of the aquifer region necessary to aid policy analysis and decision making across scales. Integrating mathematical and statistical models in OpenMI allows sharing of spatial-temporal variables between models critical to simulating the dynamic reality of this complex agronomic system dependent on water availability. This project illustrates the utility of OpenMI and ODM to integrate disparate disciplinary models reliant upon GIS spatial analysis and visualization methods and tools to both explain and model complex dynamic systems interactions critical to understanding sustainability options.