Gulf Coast Joint Venture Managed Lands Geodatabase
Track: Conservation
Authors: Mark Parr
The Gulf Coast Joint Venture (GCJV) is a bird habitat conservation partnership that spans the coastal portions of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. The GCJV is currently working on a Managed Lands Geodatabase (MLGDB), which will serve as an assessment of the conservation estate within its four state region. The GCJV MLGDB collects information on four feature classes: managed habitat units, bird nesting colonies, water control structures, and sanctuary zones. These features and their attributes are imported into an ArcSDE Geodatabase. The GCJV is working on developing a web mapping application utilizing ArcGIS Server to provide the user the ability to both delineate features as well as enter attribute data on those features in a web environment. Once complete, the GCJV MLGDB will provide GCJV staff and partners with a valuable tool in our bird habitat conservation efforts.