Establishing a ranked post system for rural ambulance deployment.
Track: Fire, Rescue, and EMS
Authors: Matthew Leyenaar
Optimal ambulance deployment is a challenging problem that is often the subject of operations research in an urban setting. This paper approaches the problem through spatial-temporal analysis followed by decision making structured by the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The research is applied to The County of Renfrew Paramedic Service (CoRPS) to establish a ranked list of paramedic posts. Parameters considered were: Population, Historical emergency call volume, Historical record of emergency calls requiring advanced care, and Mean distance to points with above average demand. The results highlight the utility of data analysis and of a structured decision making process. Limitations on results were governed by the input from decision makers as well as the contrast between concepts of reliability and probability in addressing the ambulance deployment problem. Further research opportunities exist to test the implementation of the ranked posts into the CoRPS deployment plan.