Internet Mapping to Assess Population Needs for Mental Health Services
Track: Health and Human Services
Authors: Vandana Joshi
The Mental Health Services Act passed by California voters in 2004 created a need to develop the necessary infrastructure needed to support the mental health services need of the population. A mapping tool was developed to identify high-risk populations, their geographic locations and proximity to mental health services. The IMF tool stores data on services such as provider locations, Census data such as population and poverty estimates, Clinical data such as consumers served and geographic boundary layers. This spatial analysis allows managers and analysts to make informed decisions about disparities and gaps in mental health services and identify high-need areas to implement expanded mental health services.
The mapping tool was developed using Geocortex Internet Mapping (IMF) and ESRI's ArcIMS software. It is a stand-alone internet application.
The IMF tool is an effective public policy tool that helps improve efficiency of mental health services.
The application can be viewed at http://gis.lacounty.gov/imfmaps/dmh