Mapping the Impossible: GEBCO-NF Alumni Team and Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE
Track: Education
Authors: ROCHELLE WIGLEY, Sattiabaruth Seeboruth, Wetherbee Dorshow, Yulia Zaraskaya, Evgenia Bazhenova, Jaya Roperez, Masanao Sumiyoshi
Multiple complex high-resolution datasets were collected by the Team's sea-floor mapping system for Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, based on an Unmanned Surface Vessel coupled with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. The HISAS and real-aperture bathymetry and side-scan data, multibeam bathymetry, sub-bottom data, images and navigation data are all combined into a simple interface using ArcGIS web AppBuilder. This allows users to explore, analyse and understand information intuitively.