Joong Hi Ryu, Euihong Kim and Chang Hahk Hahm

Water Quality Management & Environmental Information Display and Query System Development

A geographic information system (GIS) was a useful tool in the assessment of water quality by checking water pollutant loadings and building environmental information display and query system development.

This water quality management & environmental information display and query system was developed to provide all the informations that effect models to estimate pollutant's loadings and to select proper strategy of pollution control. Spatial database for geographic features and environmental informations was collected and created. Environmental informations also include attribute data for both non-point source and point source. ArcInfo was used for data input, management, display and manipulation. Powerful macro language, Arc Macro Language(AML) was used for developing user interface. During these procedures, special functions for quantify the characteristics of drainage system such as 3-D draping, automatic basin tracing, rainfall-path finding was rebuilt for easy interface. The user interface for Environmental Information Display and Query System was also programmed by using AML with boolean operation functionality. Every possible aspect for causing water pollution was pre-designed as menu style for easy use.


As GIS software matures in functionality, speed, and flexibility, issues of the use and suitability of GIS in the Environmental Information System come to the fore. The study for "Water Quality Management and Environmental Information Display and Query System Development" was carried out using GIS technologies as a part of project "Integrated System of Water Quality Management" (ISWQM) by System Engineering Research Institute (SERI), Korea Institute of Science & Technology (KIST), the G-7 project funded by Korean Ministry of Environment.

Most of the case, it was investigated that main reasons of water quality degradation of the country-wide waterway are point and non-point pollution from urban/agricultural areas. In order to reduce pollutant effects to water quality, we must have to set up the best control strategy and it should be stressed on the importance of initial assessment of point and non-point source problems. For this assessment, a water quality model to estimate pollutant loadings and input data to run this model will be required. The input data should be geographic features such as contour, road, stream, administrative boundary, ground control point and coordinates. It also includes environmental informations such as soil classification, land cover, forestry & vegetation and geomorphology. It should be very important for water quality management to maintain high accuracy of input data and these data should be linked with model by spatial-relations. Due to the lack of digital data source for geographic features, digitizing and raster-to- vector conversion technology after scanning were used.

This study was focused on producing environmental information by digital format and standardization of point, non-point source environmental information with coding scheme and building display & query system by using graphical user interface for easy use. GIS the state-of-the-art technology was adopted both systems itself and database management. All informations regarding topographic features and spatial information which composed of point, line, polygon was digitalized and related attribute data for non-point source pollutant were stored in the database management as tabular informations.


This study presents a database management system that will effectively manage pollutant information for water quality management by using GIS technics.

The main objectives of this study were user need assessment, database design and developing customized user interface for Input/Output program.

Other objectives of this study were collection of environmental attribute data through government organization and its input, make relation with graphic data. Construction of pilot database design for environmental attributes was also one of the objectives.


3.1 Study Area

The pilot study area, BOKHA stream basin and YANGHWA stream basin are located at ICHON-GUN, YEOJU_GUN, KYUNGGI-DO, KOREA. This study area has 4 sheets of 1/25,000 scale national basemap that produced by National Geography Institute(NGI). The size of the area is about 500 km2. The major land uses are urban, and agricultural. In order to make the model effectively, 4 more maps of adjacent project area were also included.

3.2 Data Collection

Data that related with water quality were collected base on different collect unit. Polygons represent "Ri(village)", the smallest unit of administrative boundary was considered as the smallest unit of Database for estimating pollutant loading. Collected data was re-classified according to sub-basin unit.

In overall, all the input data to estimate pollutant loadings such as administrative boundaries, DEM, soil maps, land-use, and industrial pollution data were collected on the basis of sub-basins. Other input items related to mitigation strategy (e.g. the siting of wastewater treatment facility) such as the statistics of live stocks, population, sewage water treatment system, etc. was collected for individual villages.

During data collection, individual collection units have unique codes to make standardized format. Each village has a 10-digit unique code: first two digits designate province, next three digits for city in a province, another two digit for towns in a city, and last three for villages in a town. Each sub-basin has 7-digit unique code; first digit designates major rivers, next digit for major streams in a river, another two digit for major tributaries in a stream and the last three digits for sub- basins in a tributary.

3.3 Database generation

a) Graphic Digital Coverage

Data were divided into two categories, graphic and attribute, and obtained from local and central government sources. To generate graphic data in a digital form, maps were digitized and scanned. A total of nine digital layers were generated including road network, hydrography, administrative boundary, sub-basins, DEM, and landuses, soils, location of industrial facilities, and water quality monitoring stations. All the layers were verified to generate topologically error-free layers.

In administrative boundary layer, digitized from 1:50,000 topo maps, different level of administrative boundaries was included such as province, city, town, and village. For more discrete approach of estimating pollutant loadings and identification of the critical areas, a sub-basin layer digitized from 1:50,000 topo maps was made. A DEM layer of 100x100 meter spatial resolution was used. 20 meter interval contour line also digitized and used for creating 3-D features by using Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN).

Landuse coverages made from 1:25,000 topo maps has five categories; agricultural, residential, forest, open space, and miscellaneous. Soil was digitized using 1:50,000 soil maps and classified into eight classes. The location of water quality monitoring stations and major industry point sources were digitized from 1:50,000 topo maps for searching accumulated flows of point sources of major toxic wastes. In addition, a road network layer and hydrography layer were also made from 1:50,000 topo maps.

b) Attribute Database

In addition to the graphic data, numerous items of attribute data were also collected as text form and input into a spatial database. These are mainly regarding pollutant sources, water quality regulations and major criteria, the status of collected water quality monitoring data for individual sub-basins, and numerous statistic data regarding individual stream flows, population of individual administrative units, water usage, and strategy of mitigating pollutant loadings.

3.4 Database Design

Collected data were registered to Data Dictionary by using ArcInfo's graphic and INFO tabular data format. Each of total nine layers that were collected were designed and registered as following format (Table- 1 Example of graphic data dictionary).

Table-1:  Example of graphic data dictionary


 System     Water Quality Management       Data type        Graphic


                                           Table_Name    Soil.PAT


Related          Soil          Attribute



COLUMN    ITEM       INPUT      OUTPUT     TYPE    NO.Of    Remarks

          NAME       WIDTH      WIDTH               Dec.


  1        AREA        8         18         F        3       Area


  9     PERIMETER      8         18         F        3    Polygon length


  17      Soil #       4          5         B             Internal ID


  21      Soil-ID      4          5         B             User ID


  25         S         3          3         I             Soil 



Attribute data that related with water quality such as night soil, domestic animals, landuse, industrial facilities, environmental facilities, water facilities (industrial, agricultural, living, intermittent), and stream details were also collected and designed / registered as following format (Table-2: Distribution of industrial facilities in details).

Table-2: Distribution of industrial facilities in details.


ITEM NAME   INPUT   OUTPUT  TYPE   No. of              Remarks

            WIDTH   WIDTH           Dec.


NAME-PLT     30       30      C             Name of industrial facilities


AORS-PLT     30       30      C             Address


MATI-PLT     30       20      C             Material


MPRO-PLT     20       20      C             Production


WAST-QUA      4       12      F      3      Waste water discharge


DISCHARG     10       10      C             Discharge rate


LABOR-NU      4        4      I             No. of Labor


DISPOSAL      8        8      C             Disposal facility


COM-DISP      8        8      C


Linkage was considered among each code to corresponding names of data collection unit in order to create, update, and delete text data for individual collection units. This also enables to query and statistical calculation for individual query unit according to user's need.

3.5 Building User Interface

Development of user interface called "Environmental Information and Query System" was developed by using ArcInfo's powerful macro language (AML). The major functions of the system are three folds. The first is to display environmental informations by pollution units such as night soil, domestic animals, land use, industrial facilities, environmental facilities etc. In addition to graphic informations such as administrative boundary, DEM, road network, hydrography sub-basin, soils, and location of industrial facilities also can be displayed. The second is query and statistical analysis of environmental informations. In this stage, every possible aspect for causing water pollution was pre-designed as menu style and user can select every pollution unit and through boolean operation functionality, user also can have overlay analysis results through provided multi-layer input data of individual sub-basin to use model for getting pollutant loadings of each sub-basin. The last is special function for quantify the characteristic of drainage system such as 3-D draping, automatic basin tracing, rainfall-path finding. This was re-built for easy interface.


The objective of this study mainly concentrates on the development of a framework of environmental information display and queries system. Major tasks are
  1. to establish standard data format,
  2. to collect and generate a spatial database,
  3. to develop database design to manage a spatial database, and
  4. to develop user interface for display and query system.

Standardized format was made for graphic and attribute data for the wider usage of the database. Also, unique codes were assigned to individual data collection units to enable easy data manipulation. During this study, major difficulties were in the data acquisition due to the absence of digital data in South Korea. Also text data for environmental information was not standardized and not managed well.

This study will be extended to nation-wide with further study regarding enhancing DBMS, data format conversion, and user interface for running models.


This "Water Quality Management and Environmental Information Display and Query system Development" has been funded by Korean Ministry of Environment as part of the G-7 project. Special thanks are due to Dr. Eui Hong Kim at Systems Engineering Research Institute and Dongil Jung at National Institute of Environmental Research.


Joong Hi Ryu. Water Quality Management & Environmental Information Display and Query system Development. Project Report, Ministry of Environment, Korea, 1994.

Kye Hyun Kim. Building an EIS for water Quality Management. Special Interest Group on Database, Korea,1995.

Chang Hahk Hahm and Sang Jin Ahn, An Extraction of Geometric Characteristics Parameters of Watershed by Using Geographic Information System, Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, vol.28 No.2, 1995.

Myung Jin Kim et al. Studies on Environmental Systems (I), (II) National Institute of Environmental Research, Korea,1991~1992

Joong Hi Ryu
Director, P.E., CADLAND, INC.
Songnam Bldg. 3rd Floor, 1358-6
Seocho 2-Dong, Seocho-Gu
Seoul, Korea
Tel) 82-2-557-4888
Fax) 82-2-554-2096

Kye Hyun Kim
Senior Researcher. Ph.D., Division of Global Environment Information
Systems Engineering Research Institute
P.O. Box 1) Yusung, Taejon,
Tel) 82-42-869-1572
Fax) 82-42-869-1599

Chang Hak. Hahm
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Aerial Survey
Inha Technical Junior College
Incheon, Korea
Tel) 82-32-870-2240
Fax) 82-32-868-3408