Shin-yi Hsu, Ph.D.
Susquehanna Resources and Environment Inc.
84 Oak Street
Binghamton, New York 13905
Tel: (607) 722-7803
Fax: (607) 773-8810

IMaG: Integrated Vector and Raster GIS and Image Processing Using An Expert System Approach


Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have been defined from a data analysis and from a decision making point of view. The former emphasizes GIS as a system to capture, analyze, display, store and retrieve data, whereas the latter uses GIS as a means of generating results based on which a decision is to be made. A review of literature can be obtained from Peuquet and Marble (1990). No matter which perspective one chooses to begin with, the fact that one investigates and extracts meaningful information from the data remains the same. Hence, without a deeper understanding of a data model for handling primary data sources -- remote sensing-- and making them become spatial data -- GIS--, a discussion on how to integrate GIS and Remote Sensing is meaningless.

From a very fundamental data representation and analysis perspective, GIS/Remote Sensing attempts to resolve information extraction issues from a complex and unconventional data matrix as shown in the following schematic diagram. (Figure 1)

In Figure 1, Column 1 contains a region identification number or code. A region could be a census track #100 in a city determined by the political boundary system set by the U.S. Census Bureau. Column 2 contains (x,y) coordinate data for the centroid of each region, such as row 20 and column 65. Column 3 contains four (x,y) coordinate data points that form a rectangle to enclose the corresponding region, such as census track #100. Column 4 contains pixels inside each corresponding region. In addition, each pixel is described in terms of its location (x,y coordinates) and the spectral signature of that particular pixel. Spectral signature is defined by a set of electromagnetic radiation readings generated from one or more sensors. For example, a region is defined in terms of a vegetated area that is composed of 1000 pixels, each representing one square meter of land. If the image source is derived from a black/white photograph, the vegetation pixels will be relatively dark as compared to areas occupied by sand or concrete. The graytone level of the vegetation region can be interpreted as a type of spectral signature. Column 5 contains data that describe the boundary contour of each region; within the boundary are interior pixels represented by Column 4. For example, assume that the above-discussed vegetation region contains 1000 pixels, the outermost pixels of these 1000 pixels separating the vegetation region from its background such as a grass area constitute the boundary contour of the vegetation region. In general, Column 4 data are called raster representation, whereas, Column 5 data are designated as vector representation of a region. Within the subject of vector representation, there exist a number of ways by which a boundary contour is represented. For example the chain code; it uses numerous boundary pixels as one approach, and a topological structure of polygons that uses nodes and relational information as another.

The data in Columns 6 through k are generally called an attribute table or a DBF, database file. Here, each column represents one region descriptor, such as average income or number of persons with age greater than 60, and so on. If one combines data in Column 1 and in Column 6 through k, one yields essentially the information contained in the U.S. Census Bureau generated TIGER File. Many conventional GIS analyses are based on the TIGER file or similar data.

The science and technology for dealing with data in Columns k+1 through n in Figure 1 belong to remote sensing and image processing. With image data, the location of the boundary of a region is highly dependent on the sensor type and the resolution of the data. For example, a dirt road surrounded by grass with exposed soil can be easily extracted from an image generated from the red spectral region. The same road, however, may not be visible in an image generated from the near infrared spectral region. The same phenomenon exists in extracting a road using high resolution imagery vs. using low resolution imagery. For example, using the same red-band image, the road can be extracted easily; however, it is difficult to perform the same task using the same image source with a very low-resolution scene. Since a political boundary, like the census track is permanent, whereas, its counterpart in the image domain is variable, we create Column (n+1) for image data based on Region ID to contrast against the Column 1 data designated as political boundary based regions, such as the TIGER file.

From this data model perspective, one can extract two general types of GIS analysis. The first type uses fixed political boundaries to create regions, and second type uses image data determined boundaries to create regions. If one designates the process by which a region is created as Segmentation, the first type of GIS does not requires segmentation, whereas, the second type of GIS is highly dependent on segmentation results. On the other hand, if one selects to use a manual method to perform image data based segmentation, the second-type GIS may resemble the first type. However, an unresolved issue is how to generate an attribute table for these hand-segmented regions. For example, with a hand-segmentation method, one uses a polygon to enclose a vegetated area, and another polygon to define a cultivated field. Then, how does one characterize these two hand-segmented regions using Tone, Texture and Shape attributes. It would be absurd for one to perform manually-based tone, texture, and shape analyses using remote sensing data even through region boundaries are given. For example, would one enumerate all the 1000 pixels in the above-discussed vegetation region by hand, and compute the average of the greytone level using a calculator? Therefore, a semi-automated analysis is acceptable, and a totally automated approach is a much preferred option.

In this paper, we would discuss how the SRE's IMaG system achieves integration between GIS and Remote Sensing on one hand, and vector and raster processing on the other using an expert system (shell) language. In the process of performing system integration, we also resolve the above-discussed issues on how to integrate the first-type and the second-type GIS analysis. In the end, we have developed expert systems by which information is extracted from various primary remote sensing based data sources, and then converted into a spatial database consistent with the data model presented in Figure 1. With these expert systems, one will be able to extract meaningful information through the process of inter-column and inter-row communication among the data cells in the data matrix of Figure 1, and use it to aid the decision makers in making correct and timely environmental management decisions. For example, one can extract three or more block groups that are contiguous and have both a high percentage of baby population and high percentage of teenage population , and designate them in whole as a neighborhood. Here contiguous block groups are extracted through a process of inter-row and inter-column communication, whereas, combining multiple socio-economic attributes is achieved through inter-column communication. Once such areas with distinct socio-economic and demographic characteristics are identified, the city planners can design a strategy to deliver the needed services to these "targeted" areas.


Historically, geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing/image processing has been treated as two distinct fields, each having a specific set of paradigm and methods by which data are captured, stored, analyzed, displayed and retrieved. (Marble in Peuquet and Marble, 1990) In addition, within GIS there exist two distinct approaches: vector and raster, although vector and raster data can be logical complements of each other as pointed out by Peuquet (Peuquet and Marble, 1990). Researchers in each field have shown that each individual approach has both strengths and weaknesses in analyzing spatial data. For example, using a vector mode, one can perform spatial overlays easier than using a raster-based system. On the other hand, to create a buffer zone around a given object, one would prefer a raster approach. As to GIS versus image processing, one usually faces a bigger dilemma as pointed out by Marble as follows:
"In a sense, the great majority of the data contained in digital, spatial databases is derived from remote sensing. The derivation is indirect since most data are captured by digitization (either manual or automatic) from map documents which are, in turn, frequently derived from photogrammetric processing of aerial photography. However, the direct utilization of remote sensing inputs (especially those based on orbital sensors) is found in only a limited number of cases at present."
While the above quote is from a 1984 paper, Marble's criticism on the lack of integration between GIS and Remote Sensing is still largely valid today.

The strength of image processing lies in using a set of well-established digital processing methods to extract information directly from digital images of various sensor-based sources with minimal human intervention and manual digitization. In general, the weakness of conventional image processing is resolving spatial relationships among defined objects. Therefore, it is advantageous to integrate remote sensing/image processing with GIS by using the following approaches:

  1. to perform certain image processing functions in the vector domain;
  2. to perform some or all GIS functions in the raster domain;
  3. to perform raster-to-vector and vector-to-raster conversion without losing information in the process.
Intending to achieve the above-listed goals, Susquehanna Resources and Environment, Inc. (SRE) has developed a software system called IMaG for the user to extract information directly from images and make it an integral part of a spatial database. Novelty of the IMaG architecture and approaches to object recognition have been established by the United State Government with a patent to Dr. Hsu. (United States Department of Commerce, Patent and Trademark Office, January 18, 1995) This system is then connected to a GIS system to extract another layer of information to aid the user in making correct and timely management and policy decisions. While there exist a number of ways to perform integration between GIS and image processing functions, we have selected an expert system approach to perform this task.

Expert System as the IMaG System Integrator

At the functional level IMaG is both an image processing and a raster GIS system. At the system operation level, IMaG is an environment that allows the user to perform data analysis and information extraction using a programming language that is in comparison one step higher than the UNIX Shell language. At the user level, IMaG is an environment that uses an expert system to control how and when to perform spectral and spatial analysis to extract an object and generate information to build a spatial database. On the information management and decision making level, IMaG is an environment for a manager to track how an expert system is built, to test the validity of the expert system, and to reuse and/or modify an expert system extracted from an archive of developed expert systems.

A Fifth Generation Programming Language

The IMaG expert system language is similar to the UNIX shell variants of Bourne, Korn and C shells, in its capability to perform complex tasks with a few lines of code. The UNIX Shell language such as the Korn Shell has been termed as the fourth generation programming language that has given UNIX the power to be superior over other operation systems for the past decades. (Arthur and Burns, 1994) Compared to UNIX based Shell languages, the IMaG expert system language is more specialized in applications, and more intuitive in syntax, and more user- friendly. It is based on pseudo-English, and is much more adaptive to perform user-specified spectral and spatial analysis tasks. Because the IMaG system language syntax goes beyond simple field and pattern extraction, it is capable of fully translating the users demands to the system. Where piping exists in UNIX to connect two or more programs with shared information, the IMaG expert system internally uses the sharing of streams for all of its communications between the different layers of the system structure as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. A Four Ring Structure of the IMaG Information Processing Environment

Programming Language and Environment as a Means for System Integration

From an operating system viewpoint, the data processing environment of IMaG can be summarized in terms of a four-ring structure as shown in Figure 2:

Ring 1: IMaG Processors and Functions that contain these subsections:

Block #1: Preprocessing Functions such as filtering, thresholding, linear combination. For example, we wrote this three-line code to perform thresholding and addition of two bands:
Bands = 2;
Band 2 = (:1: > 140) * 250;
Band 3 = :1: + :2:;
Line 1 means that total number of files to be processed are 2, such as Band 3 and Band 4 of LANDSAT TM data. Line 2 indicates that band 2 (file 2) is obtained from a thresholding operation to convert band 1 into a binary image -- pixel value > 140 becomes 1, the rest becomes 0 --, and then multiply the resultant matrix by a value of 250. Line 3 indicates that band 3 is a result of adding band 1 to band 2, a simple matrix addition such as Matrices C=A + B using the formula cij = aij + bij.

Block #2: Initial Segmentation and Subsequent Region Merging. For example, we wrote this two-line code first to perform initial segmentation, and then a one-pass region merging:

Initial Cutoff = 50 percent;
(if Initial Cutoff = 5, Merge 1 = INIT; Merge 1 = 5 also)
Line 1 specifies that a certain thresholding value is to be selected to perform a connected component based region growing analysis; this cutoff value will remove 50 percent of the edges existing between neighboring pixels. This cutoff value is to be selected from a look-up table. Line 2 commands that another pass of segmentation is to be performed in order to merge neighboring regions using the same cutoff value as the one selected for the initial segmentation. For example, if the initial cutoff value is 5, Merge 1 = 5.

Using a cutoff value of 5, neighboring pixels will be merged together if the contrast (absolute difference between them in intensity value) is less than 5. After initial segmentation, various regions are formed, each having a specific average tone value. Two neighboring regions will be merged together if their contrast represented by the absolute difference in mean tones is less than 5.

It should be pointed out that numerous programming options can be constructed to force neighboring regions to merge and become a uniform field by using tone, size and shape criteria. Since merger is done by removing the edge values from neighboring regions, the functions to perform this task are called general penalty functions. After segmentation analysis is completed, IMaG generates a database for the user to perform object extraction using a language style similar to a Standard Query Language (SQL).

Block #3: Object Extraction. For example, we would like to extract a car on a highway given that the road, and man-made objects (small buildings and cars) have been segmented. Each of the regions, road, small building, and car, is described by a set of attributes such as Size, Tone, Linearity, Texture, Elongation, etc. Given the above information, one can use the following code to perform "car" extraction:

Seek Bright Small BrightSmall;
Region Bright: [#2 Tone 2 = (200 250)] ;
Region Small : [#2 Size 1 = ( 1 50)] ;
Region SmallBright: [is Small] [touches Bright] ;
Line 1 is a Seek statement that directs IMaG to extract the following specific regions: Line 2 specifies that Bright, an object name, is a region based object. It is defined by the following conditions: (1) data are to be extracted from segmentation cycle #2, (2) it uses a Tone criterion and (3) using Band 2 image. Line 3 defines SmallBright from a spatial overlay of objects named Small, and Bright. The function to perform overlay is "touches," which is equivalent to "intersection" in the set theory. Since Small is defined from Band 1 and Bright from Band 2, it is obvious that "touches" can perform a cross-band overlay analysis.

While the object "SmallBright" extraction program contains only three lines of code, this program teaches a user to use a simple tree-structure based strategy to define an object. For example, we define Bright and Small first, and then define SmallBright as a combination of the above. While IMaG itself may choose its own solution, such as backward chaining, the user is recommended to think and program in terms of a "forward chaining"style to achieve simplicity and clarity in object extraction tasks.

Block #4: Display and Data Output: For example,

Display Bright= red Small=cyan SmallBright=yellow;
File Display Bright=red Small=cyan SmallBright=yellow;
#2 Segmentation File 1 = DBASE;
Line 1 commands IMaG to display the decision map on a graphic display device using a super VGA display in DOS or the Xwindow server under UNIX. In a real world situation, one will have pixels coded by red, cyan and yellow, respectively, on a color monitor. Line 2 specifies that the same displayed image be in a form of digital image with a name given in the Outfiles statement associated with a .BAT file used to initiate the execution of an IMaG application program, such as:
IMaG.exe Expert System Name Infiles band1 band2 --- Outfiles file1 file2 ----
Line 2 commands IMaG to output the data files in terms of a 32-bit image showing the ID number of each region, and an attribute table describing the characteristics of each corresponding region. The name for the output pair with an extension of .TON and .DBF is given in the above- noted "Outfiles" list. The number "2" after # means the data will be taken from segmentation cycle #2, and the number "1" after Segmentation File means that the data will be extracted from band 1 of the Infiles. In a real world condition, the data are stored on the hard disk.

Ring 2: Expert System Language as a special means for integrating GIS with Remote Sensing:

The IMaG system language resembles pseudo-English. It uses key words and symbols to construct a statement that instructs IMaG to perform a certain task, such as extracting an object, displaying an image, outputing a data file, and so on. The examples given in the above section illustrate how one composes a program using the logical rules and legal syntax. We would like stress that a specific means is provided for the user to integrate GIS and Remote Sensing within the general domain of expert system language.

It has been noted above that this statement:

Band k = Segmentation;

specifies that the image must be a 32-bit image, in which a number of 1 or larger identifies a region in the base map. In addition, the statement:

# i Segmentation File j = Segmentation
outputs two GIS files: one 32-bit image and an associated region attribute table in a DBF format. We now explain how one inputs a given attribute table into IMaG for GIS analysis using the IMaG expert system language.

A typical GIS database can be represented by the following table:

Figure 3:  An Symbolic Representation of a GIS Database

     Column #1      Column #2       Column #3          Column # n+1 
     Region ID     Attribute 1    Attribute 2		Attribute n 
          1           f11      		f12                 f1n       
          2           f12    		f22                 f2n       
          k           f21    		fk2                 fkn       
(Census Track #)  (Income)  	   (Age Category)    (Education Level)
Internal			Attributes of each 
Segmentation Map		segmented region

As explained above the column #1 data are represented by a 32-bit image, and the totality of the table in Figure 3 is called an attribute table. To extract the information from this attribute table and correlate it against its counterpart in the 32-bit image domain, one follows the following rules:

  1. the 32-bit base map based image is identified as "phantom" image using this syntax:
    BANDS = 2; (as an example)
  2. extracting the attribute information using the EXTERNAL VARIABLE ... END EXTERNAL statement;

  3. defining singe objects using SEEK and REGION statements as usual;

  4. defining multiple attribute objects using a series of [is object] statements

  5. the attributes are defined using the following format
For example, we would like to extract block groups in the City of Binghamton, NY using the TIGER file based socio-economic and demographic data. In the census data, baby age population is coded as "p011001." The task is to extract the block groups that are characterized by a higher percentage of "baby" population. With IMaG we wrote the following six-line code:

SEGMENTATION BAND 2 NUMBER "baby" = "P0110001" IN "bingage.DBF";
Seek Hibaby;
Region Hibaby : [EXTRN "baby" = (20 999999) ] ;
DISPLAY Hibaby=magenta;
Here "high concentration of baby population" is defined in terms of block groups in the City of Binghamton, NY, each having 20 persons or more.

The above programming language setting allows one to perform conventional GIS analysis in the IMaG environment. In addition to having "instant" GIS analysis result, one is allowed to perform a number of data analysis functions that are extremely difficult to do using a vector GIS based system. For example, one would like to extract a neighborhood that contains three or more contiguous "Hibaby" regions. This task puts an additional constraint on the topological conditions among neighboring regions. With IMaG, one can accomplish this task by using a function called "subregions" because this function allows one to count how many contiguous subregions were there before they were merged together to form a uniform field (one pass later).

Another example of constrained GIS is to merge map data with image data, such as using the SPOTview satellite image data to update roads on an out-dated map. Here, IMaG will treat a map as if it is an image, therefore, any correlation, or lack of, between these two layers of information is performed efficiently and effectively. In this case, all the roads are extracted from the SPOT data first, and then designated as a distinct layer or coverage. Second, all the roads on the map are extracted and designated as another distinct layer. A constrained GIS analysis aimed at detecting the existence of new roads by means a digital overlay analysis is performed using these two newly-created layers: road layer from the SPOT imagery, and the road layer from the old map. The key words in IMaG kernel for executing spatial overlays include "touches," "surrounded" and so on. If one defines No Change as "roads" in the SPOT data layer that "touches" their counterparts in the map data domain, "new roads" are those that do not touch the map-based roads. Additional examples using these key words will be given in the following sections.

Ring 3: Input Data Files with a script format

The original input data files are specified in the script file used to execute the IMaG application program. As pointed out earlier, this file contains
  1. the name of the IMaG executable program,
  2. the name of the expert system that contains the rule set used to perform various designated tasks,
  3. Infiles, and
  4. Outfiles.
Additional files to be used by the expert system can be generated by the rules in the expert system rule set. This means that IMaG allows us to use the result of the analysis as a subset of the input files to extract additional information from the original input files.

Ring 4: Output Files capable of Interacting with the IMaG Program and Input Files

As shown in Figure 2, the outermost ring is the Output ring. This component of the IMaG system has three essential subsets:
  1. the results from the analysis,
  2. full scene based region characterization using a 32-bit image and a corresponding attribute table, and
  3. the expert system stored in a text file.
The results of the analysis are usually presented in graphic display or an output data file for decision making purposes. The full-scene based region characterization set is to be used for later analysis or for mapping purposes using a raster or a vector representation of a given set of extracted regions and objects. Finally, the expert system itself becomes a knowledge base for testing against a new set of scenarios and/or information sources obtained from dissimilar sensors. For example, the expert system used to analyze the Binghamton, NY block group data is readily useable to map regions having higher percentage of baby population in any city in the U. S. using the TIGER file data. The only task one needs to do is to convert a section of the TIGER file data into a 32-bit image based on the base map of the city, and the corresponding socio-economic and demographic data into a DBF table for which the TIGER file is already prepared in the same format.

One of the most distinct features of the IMaG system is the preservation of knowledge from the expert who had developed the rule set. In addition, the rule set can be modified, expanded and compiled in real time when such action is necessary.

Finally, with IMaG the output files can be used as input files as additional layers to the original input files. This process can be achieved either within the expert system itself or by performing another IMaG analysis that combines the output files of the previous process with the input files of the current process. It is our experience that the latter option is rarely needed.

Robustness of IMaG: Applications Scenarios with Various Data Sources

In the above section, we discuss how one can perform various forms of system integration using the expert system language of IMaG, such as integration between GIS and Remote Sensing, integration between spectral analysis and spatial analysis, and integration of input data with output files. In the following sections, we will demonstrate the robustness of the IMaG processors and functions under the scrutiny of various data sources with varying application scenarios. These analyses are intended to support the value of the developed expert systems. These case studies are motivated from the fact that without the foundation built with robust algorithms, an expert system is not generalizable beyond the data set from which the expert system is developed.

Robust Rule Set based on Human Visual Analysis and Physical Models

In photo interpretation, an analyst is taught to use these visual interpretation principles to extract an objects: Tone, Texture, Size, Shape, Shadow, Pattern, Associated Features, Colors, Stereoscopic Characteristics, and so on. The IMaG functions are developed according to these principles. For example, the key words for developing an expert system includes Size, Tone, Texture, Elongation, Linearity, Subregions and so on. In many cases, a human analyst also uses spatial relationship principles to define an object. For example, a tall tower is generally associated with a shadow, or a running car is usually on a highway. The interpretation rules are generally considered as robust because they have been developed, and tested by photo- interpreters for the 50 years. IMaG rule sets can be considered robust to begin with if the designer follows these well established principles. The task can be achieved because IMaG allows one to develop rule sets using certain key words that perform these spatial analysis functions. For example, to locate a car on a road, one can define a running car using the following four-line rule set:

Seek Road Small PossibleCar;
Region Road: [#2 linearity 1= (8500 10000)] ;
Region Small: [#2 Size 2 = ( 1 10 ) ] ;
Region PossibleCar : [ is Small ] [ surrounded Road ] ;
Line 1 instructs IMaG to extract three objects called Road, Small and PossibleCar.
Line 2 defines Road using a shape criterion -- linearity.
Line 3 defines Small using a size criterion -- number of pixels in a region.
Line 4 defines PossibleCar by means of an overlay analysis -- the Small object must be surrounded by Road.

The above rule set is robust because each rule is based on a well-established logical or physical reality model. In general, the IMaG environment influences or forces the analyst to develop robust expert systems. In many cases, inferior expert systems are not allowed to exist simply because IMaG does not provide an environment in which "ad hoc" based algorithms can be easily developed, although if one would intentionally develop nonsense expert systems, IMaG cannot prevent this from happening.

Robust Expert Systems based on Scene Content Determined Segmentation

In the section dealing with Block #2 of Ring 2, we pointed out that an object in an image is usually defined in terms of a set of attributes that describes a region in a segmented scene. Suppose that the size and shape of the region is also dependent on how the scene is segmented. Since there exist numerous ways to segment an image, the existence of a particular object as defined by only a size criterion for example may not be stable at all. In other words, without a stable segmenter, the expert system may not be generalizable beyond the test scene.

To resolve the above-noted segmentation issue, IMaG provides the user with a segmenter that is highly dependent on the content of the scene rather than ad hoc rules such as arbitrary thresholding parameters. In general, one can automatically set an initial cutoff for the initial segmentation analysis, and a scene-content-determined, iterative segmentation scheme to perform subsequent region merging process. The segmentation process will automatically stop when the scene structure reaches a stable structure point which is mathematically determined by this criterion: segmentation stops when the slope change value on a scene characteristics curve is greater than zero. For example, in IMaG one is allowed to perform a stable structure segmentation using the following code because the key word "STOP1" is designed as one-pass beyond the stable structure point:

Initial Cutoff = 50 percent; (as an example)
Merge = 40, 1 STOP1 - 1;
The second line specifies that IMaG performs a maximum of 40 iterations, and for each pass of segmentation analysis the cutoff value is incremented by a value of 1. The iterative segmentation process will then stop at the stable structure point designated by "STOP1 - 1." Since the initial cutoff value is set as "50 percent," the cutoff values of the second segmentation cycle designated by "merge 1" are to be incremented by using the initial cutoff value as the base. For example, if the initial cutoff value is 5, the iterative segmentations using 6, 7, 8, ..., etc, as merging criteria to perform a series of segmentation analyses until a stable structure of the scene is obtained. The details of the algorithm itself can be obtained from the Hsu Patent (1995).

Robust Algorithms as Evidenced from Test Against Various Image Data Sources

In many circumstances, the effectiveness of an algorithm is highly dependent on a particular image type with a particular resolution level. For example, an algorithm for processing synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is usually very specialized, and thus, it is not applicable to processing a thermal infrared image. For environmental management applications, one usually must extract information from all possible image-based sources, such as low resolution LANDSAT data, high-resolution digital orthophoto, high-resolution SAR data, and high- resolution hyperspectral data. An algorithm can be considered robust if it is proven capable of handling most of the above-noted image sources. Since segmentation is the foundation of many information extraction applications, we will discuss the robustness of the IMaG segmenter using various image types at varying resolution levels.

a. Case Studies with LANDSAT TM Data

LANDSAT TM data have seven channels with a resolution level of 30 by 30 meters per pixel except the thermal channel, Band 6. While one can usually perform object extraction by means of a pixel based spectral analysis, segmentation analysis plus a spatial analysis can improve the performance of the classifier. The performance of the IMaG system has been proven effective when a segmentation based analysis is necessary to aid the user in extracting objects in a relatively complex environment.

b. Case Studies with High-resolution Multispectral, M-7, Data

The M-7 data set has 16 multispectral channels with a resolution level of 1 by 1 meter per pixel. At this resolution level, a segmentation analysis is usually needed to partition the scene into logical regions. This is particularly true with respect to the UV band for extracting man-made objects.

c. Case Studies with High-resolution Panchromatic Image Data

High resolution panchromatic image data are usually derived from aerial photography. The resolution level can be set at the 1-meter level or higher depending on the densitometer scanning aperture. We have processed a number of subscenes extracted from a test site located in San Jose, CA. The results indicate that IMaG is extremely effective as a preprocessor to a rule-based, expert system based classifier because the segmenter is capable of extracting the boundary of an object with a precision comparable to a human analyst. The segmenter based solution can be considered as a better solution because human-based solutions are subject to individual difference and thus unstable.

d. Case Studies with Synthetic Aperture Radar Data

We have conducted experiments with high-resolution SAR image data, and obtained results indicating that IMaG treats SAR images like ordinary panchromatic images; therefore, no modifications on the segmenter are needed for SAR-based object extraction.

e. Case Studies with High and Low Resolution Thermal Image Data

We have processed an enormous amount of thermal image data and can conclude that the IMaG segmenter is extremely powerful for extracting objects in the thermal domain. In many cases, the objects exist in a form of spatial clustering rather than a uniform field. In this case, one more step of segmentation analysis is needed to merge each individual clustering of small regions into a uniform field. The number of regions prior to becoming a uniform field is a mesotexture measure of that particular object. A complex region is defined as one that has two or more subregions. In IMaG one can use this "subregions" measure to define an object of a complex nature. This approach is also applicable to extracting objects from high-resolution panchromatic images.

f. Map Feature Extraction Using U.S.G.S. Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) Data

The United States Geographical Survey (U.S.G.S.) has converted some of its topographic maps into digital images. This product is called Digital Raster Graphic (DRG). While in its original form a DRG is a color image, it can be easily converted into an 8-bit panchromatic image, each of the 256 integers representing a specific color. For example, black is represented by 0, and red is represented by 95 or 94. On a topomap, one of the major highways is symbolized by alternating black and red bars. In this case, one needs to use both colors and the spatial relationships between colored bars to recognize a major highway. With six map features for testing, we have proven that IMaG is equipped with sufficient pattern recognition and spatial analysis functions for one to extract map features from DRG data with very insignificant error of omission and error of commission.

g. Automatic Feature Extraction with Digital Orthophoto Quad (DOQ)

Along with DRG's, the U.S.G.S. produces digital orthophoto images called Digital Orthophoto Quad (DOQ) for map updating. While currently the primary use of the DOQ's is for operator-based map updating using interactive graphic methods, we have empirical evidence to show that certain terrain features like forested regions can be successfully extracted by IMaG with a high degree of accuracy.

Generalization from Multispectral Analysis to Hyperspectral Analysis using A Combined GIS and Expert System Approach

Characteristics of Hyperspectral vs. Multipsectral Data in Image Processing

Hyperspectral image data are characterized by having a great number of spectral bands such as 200 or more. Thus, it is unlikely that one would store all these images in the memory for information extraction as if they were multispectral images with a maximum of 16 channels. While one can select a limited number of channels to perform an object extraction analysis, or to perform a principal component analysis on the entire 200 some channels and uses of only a limited number of transformed bands such as the first 16 components to perform data analysis, these two approaches cannot take the full advantage of the power of hyperspectral data for feature extraction particularly from a "material type" modelling point of view. For example, if discrimination between material type A and material type B can be achieved using a minimum of 100 channels, one must have a direct access to these specific 100 channels particularly when one needs to make a time-critical decision.

Using a GIS Data Model to Access the Totality of the Hyperspectral Information without have to Store All the Images in the Memory

To solve the above-discussed problem, it is proposed that one uses a GIS data model to perform information extraction. It turns out that the proposed data model is precisely the one given in Figure 3. We can modify it for hyperspectral applications and designate it as Figure 4 as follows.

 Figure 4:  A GIS Data Model for Hyperspectral Images

    Column #1      Column #2       Column #3          Column # n+1
     Pixel ID     Channel 1  	    Channel 2    	Channel n
         1           f11               f12                 f1n
         2           f21               f22                 f2n
         k           fk1               fk2                 fkn
    Internal                        Spectral Information 
    Segmentation Map                from each channel 

Suppose that a given hyperspectral imaging system has 256 channels, and each scene is composed of 512 by 512 pixels. Using the above data model, k = 262,144 and n = 256; therefore, one needs only to store one 32-bit based 512 by 512 image in memory, and a matrix of size 262, 144 by 256 in the hard disk. Since the latter amounts to only a storage space of slightly above 67 mega bytes, one can process the entire 256-channel based hyperspectral image data set with a PC based computing system.

Unification of GIS with Hyperspectral based Data Model

By comparing the data model of Figure 3 and that of Figure 4, one can reduced that these two models are identical, and therefore, one can also conclude that hyperspectral image data can be treated as if they were the TIGER file from a data model and data processing point of view. For example, the 32-bit base image of the hyperspectral data now becomes a "Phantom Band" and all the spectral information is contained in the middle section of the "External Variables" and "End External" statements.

Using the GIS based data model approach, we have in fact reduced hyperspectral imagery into one single band, yielding an extremely significant rate of data compression without loss of any information.

Conclusions on Using Expert System Approach to Perform System Integration

In the IMaG environment, an expert system is not a mere artificial intelligence (AI) based algorithmic program because it does not uses existing language such as LISP or PROLOG as the programming language. Rather, it is an information processing environment in its own right because the expert system language permits the user to perform both system integration and information integration simultaneously. If one is forced to select one environment that IMaG resembles most, the answer is the UNIX Shell Programming environment. However, IMaG's capability is much more advanced in the area of applications related to image processing and remote sensing on one hand, and much more user-friendly in programming language on the other. In general, IMaG is much more focused and specialized for GIS and Remote Sensing with the following distinctive features:

Integrated Raster and Vector Processing in Remote Sensing

In IMaG, one is allowed to define an object in at least two basic forms: pixel based and region based. For the former, one begins with "PIXEL Object," whereas for the latter one uses "REGION Object" as its counterpart. In this case, the language or key words specifies how an object is to be defined. Using the PIXEL based mode, one must use raster processing to extract objects, whereas, using the REGION based mode, one uses a raster processing method to perform spectral analysis, and uses a vector mode to perform spatial analysis. The language related to raster analysis includes TONE, TEXTURE and SIZE, whereas, that for spatial analysis includes these key words: INSIDE, ABOVE, TOUCHES, SURROUNDED, and so on.

Relating this capability to the data model presented in Figure 1, IMaG integrates Column 4 with Column 5: pixel representation and boundary representation of a region.

Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing Analysis

In general while one can consider GIS a form of spatial analysis, we would like to designate GIS in terms of a more restricted form of analysis using a base map coupled with an attribute table. Under this definition, IMaG performs integration of GIS with Remote Sensing by using a very specified key words and syntax. For example, the base map name has to be in the INFILES section of the .BAT files that initiates the execution of an IMaG application module, the key words like PHANTOM BAND, SEGMENTATION, and so on must be in the expert system rule set. Once all the necessary facilities are inplaced, GIS analysis is treated as if it is image processing and vice versa. For example, processing of the TIGER file follows the former model, whereas, processing of hyperspectral data follows the latter. Under this condition, one achieves a seamless integration between GIS and Remote Sensing.

Relating this capability to the data model of Figure 1, IMaG integrates all the data elements in all columns of Figure 1, particularly, between data in Columns (6 through k) and those in Columns (k+1 through n). Thus, by integrating the first type of GIS with image processing, one yields the second type of GIS.

Vector-to-Raster and Raster-to-Vector Conversion without Loss of Information

As a free-open system, IMaG treats an output as if it is an input file, and thus an output file is reusable as the basis for extracting addition information. Under this condition, IMaG should provide an environment for one to represent an object in terms of both vector and raster representations. In addition, the IMaG processors are designed not to lose information during the course of this two-way data conversion process.

Relating this capability to the data model of Figure 1, IMaG permits a one-to-one interchange between Column 4 data and Column 5 data in view of the fact that IMaG provides means for vecterization of raster images, and Rasterization of vector based boundary files.

Generalizability of Expert Systems

We have stressed that IMaG is an information processing environment. Thus, testing IMaG is not really testing the capability of IMaG; more precisely, it is testing the capability and generalizability of an expert system rule set. While inferior expert systems can be developed by an inexperienced user, the IMaG programming environment is designed to achieve a maximum generalizablity of well-constructed expert systems using robust algorithms and well-established object extraction principles that have been programmed into the key words of the expert system language. In this sense, IMaG should share the success and failure of an expert system.

Expert Systems as A "Culture"

Using IMaG there is only one way to perform integrated GIS/Remote Sensing tasks: using an expert system as a means for system control, inter-band, cross-space communication, object extraction and scene characterization. Being a text file, an expert system preserves the knowledge with which a rule set is developed for a specific application. Once generalizability of the rule set is proven, the rule set becomes new knowledge that can be utilized by other users. With a modification on the existing expert systems, new knowledge is created and added onto the existing knowledge base. In the long run, the knowledge used and created by the totality of the expert systems becomes a "culture," because the knowledge base will be transmitted from one generation of users to the next.

Relating this "culture" creation capability to the data model of Figure 1, IMaG provides an environment for one to generate new data models that represent either a modification or an enrichment of the data model represented by Figure 1 in August 1994.


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