Stephen P. Prisley, James L. Smith, Brendon J. Keefer, possibly others

Panel Discussion on the Spatial Accuracy of Natural Resource Databases

Interest in environmental and natural resource management issues has grown dramatically in the '90s. Concurrently, computer-based tools designed to assist those involved in environmental and resource decision making have also improved. The result is an explosion of natural resource data in various digital forms. There has not been a corresponding improvement in our understanding of data quality issues. A level of maturity in the technology has been reached that requires us to consider the ramifications of spatial data accuracy on decisions. In May 1994, an international symposium was held in Williamsburg, Virginia, to address these topics. This panel is comprised of some of the ArcInfo users from that conference, who will present some of the issues discussed in that forum which will be of particular interest to ArcInfo users employing GIS for natural resource management. Issues may include the impact of spatial accuracy on business decisions, DEM data quality, error models, accuracy assessment, and error propagation.

Stephen P. Prisley
Westvaco Corporation Timberlands Division
180 Westvaco Road
Summerville, SC 29484
Telephone: 803-851-4709
Fax: 803-851-4706

James L. Smith

Brendon J. Keefer

possibly others