Eric Sussenbach, Bert Vermeij, Marcel Glissen

Regions, Dynamic Segmentation and ArcStorm: A Powerful Combination

For the provinces in the Netherlands, a geographic database is designed in which the data model extensions of ArcInfo Version 7.0 are used. Many themes in this data model are based upon one common geometry. This is difficult to maintain because the updates in geometry originate from changes in the geometry of themes. Some themes are spatially related; others have no relation. In previous releases, all themes were stored in different geographic data sets. In ArcInfo Version 7.0, with the combined implementation of Regions and Dynamic Segmentation, all data reside in one data set. ArcStorm is used to maintain the subsequent versions of the data and to support distributed database management. The impact of these new techniques is big to the organization. Approaches and experiences were learned from a pilot project for the Province of Utrecht. The purpose of this paper is to share experiences and show the effect of the new techniques from ArcInfo Version 7.0 for large organizations.

Eric Sussenbach
Stationsplein 45
3013 AK Rotterdam
Telephone: 31-10-2170700
Fax: 31-10-4139693

Bert Vermeij

Marcel Glissen