Hans Van Eijk, Chris Amelink

Interapplication Communication: Intelligence of an Expert System in ArcInfo

Within the Information Technology there is a trend of integrating data and applications. This is one of the reasons why ArcInfo Version 7.0 contains new functionality to communicate with other applications. In the Netherlands, the Survey Department (Meetkundige Dienst) of the Ministry of Transport, Public Works, and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat) uses an expert system called SNAP. One of the features of SNAP is the capability of knowledge-based processing. The purpose of the project was to find out how IAC could be implemented using SNAP and ArcInfo technology. In the prototype the knowledge base of SNAP is used to predict the amount of ice for a large lake. The results are used in ArcInfo to find out which buoys are threatened by the upcoming ice. After the analysis, the route to pick up the threatened buoys is drawn in ArcInfo. The expert system SNAP and ArcInfo communicate using the Remote Procedure Calls technology; this way the best of both systems are used in the prototype. The paper will show the concept of the prototype and how it was implemented using interapplication communication. I have presented this paper before at the ArcInfo European User Conference in Paris last October.

Hans Van Eijk
Stationsplein 45
3013 AK Rotterdam
Telephone: 31-10-2170700
Fax: 31-10-4139693

Chris Amelink